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Demystifying Perimenopause

Demystifying Perimenopause

28 October, 7pm AEDT

Sore breasts?  Moody?  Achey or stiff joints?  Totally exhausted for no reason?  Headaches?  How about heavier, irregular periods?  Sound familiar? 

Many women experience these symptoms in their late 30’s and 40’s and have no idea that the cause is often perimenopause.  It’s totally normal, but when you don’t know what’s happening it can make you feel a bit crazy.  The good news is that you’re not alone and there are many things you can do to start feeling better.

Join us for this month’s free webinar “Demystifying Perimenopause” with menopause expert Dr. Kelly Teagle and her co-host, Jo Pybus, tri-athlete, author, columnist, and contributor to SBS’s Insight program on menopause.  Kelly and Jo will share their personal stories (and learnings) of perimenopause plus tips and treatment options to help you feel better.  There’ll also be a Q&A with plenty of time to ask your burning questions!

This Webinar took place on October 28th.  If you’d like to watch the recording please visit our Wellfemme Facebook Page or visit our past webinars page.  To find out when our next webinar will take place, sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page.



Dr. Kelly Teagle

Founder, WellFemme

Dr. Kelly Teagle graduated in Medicine from the University of Queensland in 2001 and worked as a Medical Officer in the Royal Australian Air Force. After becoming a GP she completed furthers studies in women’s reproductive and sexual healthcare. Then at 42 Kelly experienced an early menopause, which further motivated her to study and treat menopausal issues. In late 2018 she launched WellFemme, Australia’s first dedicated Telehealth Menopause Service, to help women access expert menopause care from wherever they live. Kelly also works as a GP in Canberra, writes blog articles, and is a women’s health speaker.

Jo Pybus

Columnist, Author, Triathlete

Jo Pybus is a columnist with HerCanberra who published her first piece in 2019, titled ‘Perimenopause: Buckle Up Girls!’ Writing was a new pursuit for Jo, who had previously owned an IT services business with her husband whilst raising their 3, now adult, children. In her mid-30’s Jo found a passion for triathlon and cycling, representing Australia 3 times over the next decade. By her mid-40’s perimenopause threw up challenges which she shared recently as a guest on SBS Insight, making it difficult for her to continue to compete so she channeled that drive into writing her first novel, and has a keen interest in this discombobulating time in a woman’s life.

Past Webinars

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Mental Health at Menopause

24 August, 7pm AEST

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Menopause and Intimacy

29 July, 7 PM AEST

Missing your Mojo? Listless Libido? Does sex feel more “ow!” than “wow”??? You’re not alone. Over 50% of women over 40 experience sexual issues....