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Demand Action on Peri & Menopause!

The Senate Committee Inquiry into Peri/menopause generated 25 key recommendations, but it will all come to nothing if Government won’t commit to act on them. Here’s how YOU can help ensure that they do!

The Senate Committee members worked their way through 285 submissions and 7 hearings with 118 witnesses this year, and handed down a comprehensive set of recommendations last month. The government now has 3 months to respond, and there are no guarantees that they will accept these recommendations or act on them. 

The other wildcard here is the 2025 election; what if government commits to the recommendations, but then there is a change of government?

Last week Senator Larissa Waters proudly announced the Greens’ plan to allocate $50M annually to peri and menopause related improvements from the Committee’s recommendations. We now need to put pressure on both the government and opposition to at least match- if not exceed- the Greens’ commitment.

This is where YOU can really make a difference. We have provided a draft email below that you can send to the government, opposition and your local MP requesting their commitment to the Senate Committee’s recommendations.

We urge you to please take 5 minutes to send this email, and copy in your local MP. It’s a small but powerful gesture that might make all the difference to services, treatments and conditions for present and future generations of peri and menopausal women.




TO: Mark.Butler.MP@aph.gov.auGed.Kearney.MP@aph.gov.au, Senator.Ruston@aph.gov.au, Sussan.Ley.MP@aph.gov.au, [Your local MP’s email]

Dear [Minister/Senator/MP],

As a constituent I want to bring to your attention an issue I want more action on: perimenopause and menopause.

Too many women have suffered in silence due to:

  • gender bias in our health system,
  • a lack of information about peri and menopause, and
  • a lack of affordable treatments.

Last month, all parties came together to support 25 key recommendations on perimenopause and menopause. You can read the full report here.

I want to see these recommendations implemented in full and I want this to be an election issue.

Now is the time for action. Women deserve better, and I want to make sure our voices are heard.

The Greens are committed to addressing all the recommendations from the Senate inquiry and allocating $50M per year for that purpose; I am calling on you to match this commitment.

I’d also like the opportunity to speak to you more about [xxxx]

Kind Regards, [Name and signature]



Read Dr Kelly Teagle’s Senate Inquiry submission HERE

View Dr Kelly Teagle’s response to the Senate Committee’s recommendations on Instagram HERE


What is WellFemme About?

If you can’t find the professional help you need for your menopause or perimenopausal symptoms then book a Telehealth consultation with an expert WellFemme menopause doctor.

Australian Senate menopause inquiry., Menopause senate inquiry, Parliamentary Senate Inquiry, Senate Inquiry Menopause, Senate Inquiry Perimenopause,