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Daughter,mother and granddaughter sitting together happily.

About WellFemme

WellFemme is a Telehealth menopause clinic, providing evidence-based menopause information and treatment in collaboration with clients’ usual General Practitioner. We are a collective of GP’s who care about menopause and perimenopause, supporting one another to continually develop our knowledge and treat patients.


Our Story

WellFemme Founder, Dr Kelly Teagle

WellFemme was founded in late 2018 by Dr Kelly Teagle, a GP specialising in women’s health based in Canberra. She graduated in Medicine from the University of Queensland in 2001 and worked in the Royal Australian Air Force as a Medical Officer until 2010. As a civilian GP she gained Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and developed her interest in women’s medicine with further studies and experience in reproductive and sexual health.

During this time Dr Teagle became very interested in the treatment of menopausal symptoms. Ironically, at the age of 42 she experienced an early menopause herself. The symptoms were debilitating but very responsive to treatment, which led her to realise the importance of getting access to timely advice and care during menopause. Dr Teagle also noticed that her services could be largely delivered just by talking to women, and so the idea for a Telehealth menopause clinic was born.

The Unmet Need for Menopause Care

Currently in Australia there are hundreds of thousands of women suffering with significant, untreated menopausal symptoms. Data published in 2016 estimated about 385,000 Australian women have untreated moderate to severe hot flushes. If we consider the spectrum of other perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms (mood, musculoskeletal, sleep probs, vaginal and urinary issues) that number will be very much greater.

One reason that women are having to put up with debilitating symptoms is a lack of access to healthcare providers with expertise in managing peri/ menopause. This is particularly problematic for women in regional, rural and remote areas who have limited choice of healthcare providers.

Affordability has also been a big problem, however due to the COVID crisis there are now Medicare rebates available for Telehealth delivery of medical care.

The WellFemme Vision

WellFemme exists to ensure that ALL Australian women have access to evidence-based menopause and perimenopause care. We will achieve this by:

  • Continuing to deliver Telehealth peri/menopause consultations Australia-wide,
  • Recruiting and developing our team of caring and motivated menopause doctors,
  • Providing high- quality, evidence-based menopause information through our website, webinars and social media channels,
  • Lobbying for continued Medicare Telehealth rebates for services provided by GP-sub-specialists in reproductive and sexual healthcare,
  • Increasing menopause awareness and training for healthcare professionals, and
  • Promoting and facilitating conversations to educate and empower women.

WellFemme’s doctors are passionate about helping menopausal women reach their best potential. “Shared experiences are empowering experiences” says Dr Kelly Teagle. “This happens when we embrace and discuss what’s happening to us. Normalising menopause breaks down the fear and frees women to explore the potential of their “new normal”. That is WellFemme’s vision: healthy, happy women.”

WellFemme’s services are strictly limited to women’s menopause-related healthcare needs. If you require a physical examination or interventions for unrelated health issues we will recommend that you visit your local GP.



Healthy, happy women.


To be at the forefront of integrated women’s health care.


  • Create an environment where staff work collaboratively with free and open communication across all disciplines.
  • Promote continuing education amongst staff to stay abreast of new developments and evidence in women’s health care.
  • Be committed to the education of clients and empower them to make good health choices.
  • Be a trusted source of accurate, timely evidence-based advice for patients- their partner in healthcare.
  • To develop innovative systems and processes to facilitate an integrated approach to women’s healthcare.
  • To create relationships with the community to promote and support women’s health and wellbeing and engage community involvement.
  • To be a profitable, professionally-managed business which can be monitored, validated, accredited and replicated.
  • To be a sustainable, environmentally-friendly business that manages waste efficiently to minimise its “footprint”.
  • To establish a model of collaboration between healthcare professionals that raises and sets standards in health management.
  • To make high-quality healthcare and information accessible, affordable and timely for all women in the community


WOMEN: our value of clients, staff and community members enables us to focus our business practices on maintaining a respectful, responsive environment that empowers and supports women.

INTEGRITY: Incorporates values of professionalism, truthfulness, responsibility, accountability, loyalty and self-awareness in our business practices to earn the commitment of staff, respect of family and friends, and the trust of our clients to become their partner in healthcare.

HEALTHY: We value a healthy, happy environment. We promote an energetic, enthusiastic workplace that inspires both staff and clients.

FAMILY: We prioritise our families and those of our clients. Our business practices are family-friendly, compassionate, flexible, inclusive, nurturing and non-judgemental.

SUSTAINABLE: We value a profitable, professionally-run business which is environmentally conscious and sustainable. Profits contribute to further business development and the support of community-based women’s health initiatives.